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According to the draft of the law proposed by the Federal Deputy Prime Minister M. _i_ (Movement for Democratic Slovakia - HZDS), the federation may be dissolved by a declaration of the Federal Assembly, agreement between the Czech and Slovak national councils, and by the results of a referendum realized according to constitutional laws and because of will of one of the national councils. Mr. _i_ stressed the fact that any of these possibilities would be a legal and democratic way of dissolving the federation. The discussion took place on Tuesday, and according to general expectation the main concern was focused upon the problem of referendum. This law draft was strongly supported by deputies of Civic Democratic Party (ODS) and HZDS, as well as by Slovak National Party (SNS). Opposition remained committed to the possibility of referendum as of the only way of dissolving the federation or - at least - as a way of confirming other ways of dissolution. The acceptance of the law by the Federal Assembly will most likely be complicated since it requires three fifths majority and the governmental coalition cannot provide it without further support. The final decision should take place on Thursday and will probably be broadcasted live on the federal TV F1. The separation is accepted but ... According to the last public opinion research poll done by the Institute for Public Opinion Research September 8-14 the majority of citizens expect a separation of the republics, but would not have voted for it in a referendum. More than 80% of the citizens of both republics understand the separation of the republics would be an irreversible process. 46% of the citizens of the Czech Republic and 41% of those in the Slovak republic agree with dissolving the CSFR. 45% in the Czech republic and 46% in the Slovak republic are against it. Only 5% in the Czech republic and 6% in the Slovak republic do not believe in separation. Those respondents in the Czech republic who agree with separation think that the main reason is Slovakia's desire for independence. Those who do not agree with separation think that the federation will dissolve as the result of an agreement beteween ODS and HZDS. Those who do not agree with separation in Slovakia shared this belief. Those citizens of Slovakia who approve of the separation think that the main reason for dissolution is becaue the federation is not working and is unequal. As the only acceptable way of dissolving the federation is through a referendum it is the most frequently mentioned possibility (45% in the Czech republic, 44% in the Slovak republic). According to Mlada Fronta Dnes daily 80% of the Czech republic and 82% of the Slovak republic would participate in the referendum if it took place today. In Bohemia 44% would vote against separation, 36% for separation, in Slovakia 43% against, 37% for separation. The Candidate for Presidency Has not Been Elected in the Fifth Round The nomination for presidency of CSFR took place on September 24. The only candidate, Mr. Ji_i V_ela_ Kotas, the head of federal council of Conservative Party - Free Block, received only 16 votes in the first round (of 5th round) in the Czech faction of the House of People and 14 votes from the Slovak faction of the House of Nations. The second round did not take place because the candidacy was cancelled. Censorship or Protection of Politicians? Authorization or Censorship These are some of headlines of articles about the governmental press law draft in the Czech press. Members of the Parliament refused on Thursday September 24 the proposal of Jana Petrova (ODS) to mute the draft of the press law on the list of contemporary meeting of both Houses. Martin Muchka, the Head of Czech republic committee of the National Mass Media Trade Union, sent an open letter expressing disagreement with the press law to Federal Deputy Prime Minister A. Baudy_."I cannot under any circumstance accept the transformation of common authorization into censorship," wrote Mr. Muchka. The Syndicate of Journalists protested against this draft of law and since the law cutdown the freedom of expression in some articles a number of members of parliament protested against it, including representatives of governmental coalition. Main criticism centered upon the duty of the journalist to submit an overview for authorization in case he/she is asked to do it by interviewee. P. Dostal (Social Democratic Party) said that it is a way how to silence journalists. Some other deputies (HZDS and Christian Democratic Movement et al.) interpret the law as a way how to protect the interviewee. M. lantovsk_ in Washington, D.C. Michael Zantovsky, former spokesman for former CSFR president Vaclav Havel, arrived on Tuesday in Washington, D.C. to assume his position as the new CSFR ambassador to the US. "My main task is to explain the process of separation for both republics," said M. lantovsk_. He also wants to develop good rapports with the US for both republics. The new ambassador, who is approved of by a majority of deputies, has another important task - to prepare the separation of the Czechoslovak embassy in the USA. August 29 - Slovak National Holiday According to the decision made by Slovak national council, August 29 will be a National holiday. During the 2nd World War, on August 29, 1944, the Slovak National Uprising started. The proposal was announced by a group of deputies from The Party of Slovak Left and was supported by deputies from HZDS and Hungarian Christian Democratic Movement. Increase of Prices of Posts As we informed you in last issue of Carolina postal services, both domestic and international, will be more expensive. The increase is about 180% for domestic postal service, and about 40% for international postal service. WEATHER REPORT During the night September 26-27 (from Saturday to Sunday) we switched from summer time to Central European Time, but the weather was still sunny and warm - almost summertime! In the middle of the week the weather had changed. The temperature in the morning was below 10 Celsuis, during the day below 20 Celsius. It was quite rainy in Southern Bohemia, but generally there was a longlasting lack of rain in our region. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This news may be published only with "CAROLINA" designation. The subscription is free. Comments and remarks are appreciated. To subscribe to CAROLINA you have to send the e-mail message on the address LISTSERV@CSEARN.BITNET. 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