CCCCC AA RRRRR OOOO LL II NN N AA CC AA A RR R OO O LL II NNN N AA A CC AA A RRRRR OO O LL II NN N N AA A CC AAAAAA RR R OO O LL II NN NN AAAAAA CCCCC AA A RR R OOOO LLLLLL II NN N AA A STUDENT'S E-MAIL NEWS FROM CZECHOSLOVAKIA School of Social Science of Charles University Smetanovo nabr. 6 110 01 Prague 1 C.S.F.R. e-mail address: CAROLINA@CSEARN.BITNET *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* C A R O L I N A No 30, Friday, June 6, 1992. THE EVENTS OF THE LAST WEEK {May 27-June 3} TV Speech of Vaclav Havel Vaclav Havel had a speech about coming elections on June 2. He pointed out a big importance of elections not only for Czechoslovakia but also for Europe. He challenged the voters to give their votes to people who want to continue in the brave economical reform. We can get closer to the world , our economy will reach its renaissance and our life standard will increase only with the help of this economical reform. The President asked the citizens to give their votes to the parties whose programmes guareantee freedom of people and human rights as well as the state of civil and tolerant people. He asked the citizens not to vote the people who prefer the feeling of power to fate of our nation as well as people who hide vain and proud behind their smile. The President warned us to give our votes to people who are not able to listen to others but who are drunk with the feeling of self-importance. He asked us to vote these people who are ready to look for just nations' and citizens' co-living. The Campaign is Over The election campaign ended on June 3. The elections to the Federal Assembly and to the national parliaments will take place on June 5 and 6. 39 political parties, movements and coalitions will take part in the elections. The campaign was commented as civil, even boring. State massmedia had limited time by law to give space to parties. Czech television had one hour each day for promotion clips. Despite the measures the central election committee who control the elections got complains on some programmes that were understood as "elections' agitations". Only two round discussion tables were organized during the campaign. Both of them prepared editors from Lidove noviny newpaper. What Our Countrymen have to do? Opposition as well as government parties criticise that Czechoslovak people living abroad can't vote at embassies. It is expected that this possibility will exist in next elections. Czechoslovak people including those who don't have permanent stay in our territory can vote in every votting room in the territory of Czechoslovakia. The passsport is needed. The System of the Elections People will vote in 22 000 places in our territory on June 5-6. The results will be worked out with the computer. Computer network for voucher privatization will be used. The programm equipment will be placed to the computers at the first day of elections, until that time it will be saved in safes. Election rooms will be closed on Saturday on 2 p.m. and election committees will start working after that. Results of voting regions will be colected by district commissions who will count first the percentage of votes for each party and preference's votes later. The results will get over regional committees to the centers in Prague and Bratislava. Central computer will announce the results on Sunday evening. The counting of preference's votes will be finished on Tuesday afternoon and complete lists of MPs will be available on Wensday. The Most Popular Politicians According to public opinion survey there are only three politicians who get support of more then 50% in both republics. The first place occupies the President Havel with 78%, the second is Jiri Dienstbier , the Minister of Foreign Affairs- 64% and third place belongs to Valtr Komarek {52%} who is main critic of the economical reform. Some politicians are popular only in one republic as Jan Kalvoda, the chairman of Civic Democratic Alliance, Vaclav Klaus, the Minister of Finances and the chairman of Civic Democratic Party and Vladimir Dlouhy, the Minister of economy in Czech republic. Vladimir Meciar, the chairman of the Movement for Democratic Slovakia and Alexander Dubcek, the chairman of the Slovak Social Democratic Party as well as Peter Weiss, the chairman of the Party of Democratic Left-wing are the most popular politicians in the Slovakia. The chairmans of the national governments and national parliaments did not reach the popularity. The Results of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The most succesfull agreements in our abroad policy is the agreement about the departure of the Soviet Army from our territory as well as Czechoslovak contribution to the canceling of the Warshaw Agreement. Czechoslovakia succeed to sign an association agreement with EC countries and start intensive cooperation with Poland and Hungary. Minister Dienstbier evaluated the "cleaning" of his department with 60 people who worked there before November 89. About 80% of diplomats were changed on our embassies. The German Capital Germany invested to the Czechoslovakia 790 million DM. Total German investment abroad counts about 29 billion DM. The investment to the countries of Eastern and Middle Europe increased but major investment went to EC countries. Investment of Volkswagen company to Skoda Mlada Boleslav will reach 90 million DM in 1998. Petr Pithart, the Prime Minister of Czech government consider assertions of opposition about selling-out the national property to capital abroad as nonsences. Left wing challenges traditional untrust to German neighbours. "There is only small part of capital that should be there in our country", said Petr Pithart. If new government will prove the agreements, the amount of German capital should decrease from 70% to 40% in 1996. CULTURAL SERVICE Invektiff The fest of modern dancing creativity brings a lot of new ideas, space and support to independent groups. These helped to group Invektiff that wanted to have own perfomances. Invektiff introduced itself with the perfomance Urfaust on the fest. It was an experiment of dancing, dumb show, text and voice mixture. Invektiff group introduced itself during the "Week of Czech Culture" in Northern France. Group will have perfomances in Prague and Bratislava during summer fest "Dance of Prague". ********************************************************************** We call your attention to extra issue of Carolina that will concern only elections. We hope we'll manage to send it on Sunday afternoon. ********************************************************************** We ask fans from English speaking countries to help us with the translation of Carolina. Czech version should be completed and sent out on Thursday afternoon. We need if possible English version back on Friday noon to send complete issue on Friday evening. Thank you ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This news may be published only with "CAROLINA" designation. To subscribe Carolina please send the e-mail message with subject "Carolina/Eng: Subscription" for the english version (and "Carolina/Cs: Subscription" for the czech version) on our e-mail address above. 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